September 13, 2013

Hunger Games

Happy Hunger Games!
For Monday, we will be writing an expository essay where you will take a position on which version of the story is a truer version of dystopia.

In order to write on a subject, you might want to immerse yourself in the topic. I have included some links to get you started.

What are the responsibilities of a movie director?

What is a "reaping?" What does it mean to "reap?"

Well, the reaping is an invented term used by Shirley Jackson in a great short story titled "The Lottery." You should read it!

2.gather crop: to cut and gather a crop, especially a grain crop, from the land where it is growing

September 3, 2013

War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast

Click the link above to hear the original 1938 broadcast that started all the hysteria. Would you have believed this if you heard this broadcast in 1938?

If you leave a post on this site, do not use your full name. identify yourself with initials and class period.

MDS - 1 (example login)

Week of September 3rd: Reminders

Weekly Reminders:

1. Write to Learn fees were due last Friday. Please submit your fees as soon as possible. Partial payments will be accepted.

2. Spelling Packet: Unexpected Consonant Spellings due Wednesday.

3. Word Quiz on Friday

4. Science Social on Friday. All classes will be shortened to accomodate social

5. Cyberbullies Beware: Internet Safety presentation in class Wednesday.